Electric Balance Bike Racing UK

Let’s start 2024 with a bang! Revvi Cup 2024 – The Opener

2024 is set to start with a bang for Revvi Cup racers as it heads to the Indoor circuit at SX Worx in Sheffield on Saturday the 20th January for “The Opener”.

Riders from the ages of 3 years of age to 12 years of riders can do battle on the track on their Revvi 12″, 16″ and the all new 18″ Electric Bikes.

Class age groups are based on their age on the day of the event.

Classes for this event are:

Revvi 12” Open 3 years of age – upto 170W

Revvi 12” Open 4-5 years of age – upto 170W

Revvi 16” Open 3 years of age – upto 250W

Revvi 16” Open 4 years of age – upto 250W

Revvi 16” Open 5 years of age – upto 250W

Revvi 16” Open 6 years of age – upto 250W

Revvi 16” Open 7-8 years of age – upto 250W

Revvi 18” Open 6-8 years of age

Revvi 18” Open 9-11 years of age

For more info and to enter go to >> https://www.exgb.co.uk/revvi-cup-2024-the-opener/

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